
Dr. Tillmann Viefhaus received his PhD in inorganic chemistry.


His work has been dedicated for more than 20 years towards the application of Raman spectroscopy in various fields :




- Organometallic chemistry (Schlenk technique)

- Physical chemistry (research on solid oxide fuel cell ceramics,  
  Solid State NMR)

- Organic chemistry (research and applications of ionic liquids)


- Corrosion processes

- Geoscience

He has been working in a state funded program (EXIST) at the Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie, Universität Stuttgart and is managing director of TTI GmbH - ViefhausAnlytik TGU.

email:   tillmann.viefhaus [at]

Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Massonne studied chemistry and received his PhD in geology. He was head of the Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallchemie of the University of Stuttgart. He was the mentor of the EXIST-program and led the scientific advisory board of the TGU until 2015.